May 2016 - Coffee Chats

Instagram tips and must follow

Instagram tips and must follow Do you have Instagram? Then this is a post for you! I share my tips on how to do Instagram and have an amazing feed. In this post you will read how to achieve this. ...

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How to Stay Motivated

Motivation, it's a complicated subject. Wheather you're trying to stay motivated for school, your job or your relationship: it can be a whole new challenge to find motivation in your surroundings and keep it where you need it.  ...

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Cute Hotspots in Rotterdam

In this post I decided to write something about some cute hotspots in Rotterdam, because we all study in Rotterdam. I've been away the whole day to make lots of pictures for the blog! I wanted to go to some other places, but then this blogpost would be much longer! Rotterdam is really big. And there are so many places which are popular,...

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The Music Underdogs

One of my main passions in life is listening to new/unpopular music. A lot of people listen to mainstream tracks, but at lot of people don’t  dive in further than that. And then there is me, a music fanatic. I have a lot of favourite mainstream artists, but that is not what we are going to talk about today. Today it is all...

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YAY! Our first ever podcast is now live!!! We are so excited for you to hear it :) ...

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Summer Fashion Inspiration

The three of us love fashion. We all have different styles and I think it all fits for each other. Sally can wear really girly and cute clothes and sometimes she wears outfits which I would never wear myself, but she can make it look so good! Emma is just Tumblr. Every thing she wears is really cute and her style really reminds...

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The Process of Coffee Chats

YES! Our blog is finally online. It took us so much time to create this! For our first post, we thought it'd be fun to tell you about the process of creating Coffee Chats. Be warned: the past weeks have been terribly messy. The layout Creating a layout for a blog is fun, but very stressful as well. We decided to finally choose...

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5 Study Tips for the Average Internet Junkie

It's finals season and exactly no one is excited about that. I personally don't have finals to go through (except for a portfolio that I'm behind with, yay procrastination!), but I can remember last year very clearly. Senior year, to me, meant a lot of stress. Let's make sure you don't have to go through that this year. Here are 7 tips from...

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For our first DIY post I wanted to make something really cool. I was looking online for cool idea’s and I came around some lush DIYS. My friends and I are all obsessed with lush, so I thought let’s give it a go. ...

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