The Process of Coffee Chats


YES! Our blog is finally online. It took us so much time to create this! For our first post, we thought it'd be fun to tell you about the process of creating Coffee Chats. Be warned: the past weeks have been terribly messy.

The layout
Creating a layout for a blog is fun, but very stressful as well. We decided to finally choose a theme that we could use for a while, until we could create our own. We knew a minimalistic theme was what we were looking for all along, so we're pretty happy with the final result. Still, we can't wait to finally start on our very own template! We have classes to make our own templates, so we will have our own template soon.

The idea
So as you might've read on our About page, the idea started on a usual Monday morning. I (Valerie) started talking about how bad my blog was doing with Sally. I really like to write and take pictures. Sally also started a blog last year, but she deleted it because she didn't had enough time for it because of school. We said at the exact same time "maybe we should make a blog together''. Emma came up with the idea to make a fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

The name
The story behind the name of our blog is very funny actually. Every Monday after school and before sporting, we go somewhere to drink coffee with our friends. It actually became a tradition and it was always very fun. Emma, Sally and I were discussing the name of our blog and then Sally said: "something with coffee in it". And then she said: "Girls... COFFEE CHATS! Because we love coffee and we love to talk, so it actually makes sense". We all agreed with her and that's the story of how we got the name of our blog!

Social media
Making social media pages was actually really fun to do. We followed a few of our favorite YouTubers, bloggers and our friends on Instagram and we made a Twitter and Tumblr. We also made a Facebook-page, where some of our friends and family followed us. The most stressing thing about the social media pages were the logo and the theme. We literally had a discussion which theme we should use for just our Instagram. We all agreed on having a really light, but colorful theme. We don't want a messy theme, so we hope it will work out!

Last week we also had a small photoshoot, but we didn't had a photographer, so Emma took pictures of us and Sally took pictures of Emma. The photoshoot was really fun, but we really need pictures of the three of us together! Hopefully we can make them this week. We already have some idea's on our minds for the upcoming photoshoot.

So that's it for our FIRST post! Upcoming week we will post our first podcast.
You can follow us on our Social Media pages on the right side of the website.

By: Valerie

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