Summer Essentials
15:00"Every summer has its own story"I love summer! You might've read this already in my post from two weeks ago. I just love the feeling of being free... Like literally free; NO school, NO drama, NO more early mornings and YES to the beach, tanned skin and lazy days.
For this post, I had the idea to make a 'Summer Essential' list. My summerbreak is very soon, so I'm looking for the essentials I'm taking with me. Here are the things I'm taking with me!
Summer Essentials
Let's start the list with some magazines and books! I love to read and it actually doesn't matter if it's a book or a magazine. I like to read about fashion, but I also like Young Adult books. I haven't read any books in a while, so I will definitely take some books with me to Spain! The book that I'm definitely gonna take with me is 'A Work in Progress' by Connor Franta. He is my favourite youtube and a total inspiration for everyone!
(picture from
Another thing that might be a great idea to take with you on a holiday is sunscreen... This may sound like I'm your mom, but I don't think you want to look like a red lobster. I really like the sunscreen from Rituals, because my skin gets really hydrated, so that's something nice! I also use the face sunscreen from Rituals before I put my make-up on, because my make up will stay good all day. Rituals is such a good skincare brand!
Even though if you are not going on a vacation, but you are just going somewhere; take your phone with you (or your camera if you have one)! Nothing is more fun to take pictures in your holiday. I literally take my phone with me all the time, because sometimes I will walk past something that looks cute and I just HAVE to take a picture of it. I also like to print them out and them in a scrapbook, to keep my memories there! I'm always deleting them afterwards, but there are exceptions. Sometimes the picture is too nice, that I want to post it on my Instagram after a few weeks.
When I'm on holiday I always take a notebook with me. I like to write when I'm on a holiday, because I always have more inspiration! I don't have to think about deadlines or homework, so that's really relaxing. Upcoming summer I actually have a few deadlines, but that's for Coffee Chats, so it doesn't really feel like I'm working. I have so many idea's on my mind to blog about this summer! So expect a lot of posts this summer. :)
(picture from
I always like to hear music when I'm at the swimming pool or beach. In April I was already searching for some nice music to put on my phone for my holiday. But the thing is... When you listen to music, your battery will be empty very quick, so you should take a Powerbank with you! My advice is to take a bright colour, because you can always find it then.
If you need any song suggestions; take a look at Emma's blogpost, because she has an amazing music taste.
I hope this helped you a little to get through Summer! It's not that hard, but if you don't have the right essentials, it can be very boring. So I hope you won't get bored this Summer!
Do you have any Summer Essential tips? ❀
By Valerie♡
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