HOW TO: Podcast


Hello guys!

I was thinking about what to post this week, and I thought: "why not a 'How To?'. I see a lot of these on other blogs, but I've never seen a How To: Podcast. Today I'll give you some tips to make the perfect podcast... Well, okay, nothing is perfect, but it comes it bit close right?

1. First find a subject you want to talk about.
Emma, Sally and I always have a meeting a week before we make the podcast and the blogposts. In the weekends we usually look for interesting youtube videos, that might be interesting to use for the podcasts. Ofcourse it also has to be interesting for us, so we first discuss the subjects we've seen and then we sort of vote which subject we're going to talk about next week.

2. Do some research about the subject.
Nothing is more annoying then not knowing anything about the subject. It's annoying for us, but also for you, the listener. In our spare time we will do research about the subjects, if we find something interesting we will let each other know, so there won't be doubled information. 

3. Use good working microphones.
This might be a difficult one for some, but for us it's easy, because we can use microphones from school. Good working microphones are a MUST for the podcast, this is a actually the most important tip, because no one likes noise in the background of a podcast or a video. 

4. ALWAYS let someone speak out.
This is something we still have to work on, but this is also very important, because sometimes the listener can't hear what you were saying when someone is talking through your sentence... If that makes sense. But I think you get the point on this one, just let someone talk when they want to talk!

5. Talk slow and articulate.
This is something I have to work on, but that's because I always get nervous when I have to talk in a microphone or a camera. So starting this podcast was actually a huge step for me! 
So talking slow and articulate is also important if you want the listener to understand you. I always prepare myself before I'm going to school by just using some tongue excursuses like saying: "La la la la" in different pitches and emphases. It will help, but you always have to keep in mind to talk slow and articulate during the podcast. 

6. Use the bloopers for a YouTube video.
This one is not really necessary, but it is just funny for the followers. Emma, Sally and I have way too many bloopers. And that's okay, because we are just normal persons. 
We cut out the bad parts to make it sound like we are perfect, and that is what everyone does. You don't see who we really are, you just see the best parts of the podcast we've filmed. That's why we've got the idea to make a blooper video every once in a while to let you see we are not perfect. 

Funfact: I am starting a YouTube channel! It's not only for the blog, but also for myself to practice with talking slow and with articulating. When I was younger I would've never done this, but if you want to do something fun in your life, you just have to do it and don't give a shit (sorry, bad language, but I didn't know any other word).

So this was my blogpost for this week! I'm sorry it's a bit late, but better late then never right?

What do you want me to do in my first YouTube video?

By Valerie ♡

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